
Cleansing Melts

The Newest Square in Skincare | :30

Olay Melts is the new and unique answer to all those who are dissatisfied with their current cleanser.

Hero looks dissatisfied in the mirror as various shapes cycle over her skin. 

Wish your cleanser was in better shape?


Hero rubs hands to activate lather.


Tiny bubbles clean pore.

…that go deeper to clean, tone, and refresh your skin...

The Newest Square in Skincare | :15


Hero pulls Melt out of midair from square.

Meet Olay Melts, the newest square in skincare.

Hero draws a large circle, that once completed, turns into a bubble, and it pops into smaller bubbles.

Hero looks in the mirror and touches her face  dissatisfied.

Does your cleanser leave you feeling dried out?


Hero activates the lather.


This leads us to a macro demo where we see the benefits in a bubble. The micro-bubbles go into the pore removing the dirt.

 Melts do more than just clean deeper than other cleansers.

Cut to pack shot.

NEW Olay Melts. For your best skin yet.

Hero applies the cleanser to her face and smiles.

…and wash...

We zoom into a macro demo of the micro-bubbles removing dirt.

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi New York

Creative Directors: Tamara Yakov, Ryan Sheehy

Copywriter: Logan Zlotnick

Art Director: Alexi Pruneda

Olay has been one of the leading skin care brands for years. Known for their high quality anti-aging skincare, Olay knew it was time to tackle your skincare routine from the start with Cleansing Melts. The first of its kind, Cleansing Melts, is a small square that dissolves into a gentle cleansing foam washing away the dirt and makeup from the day without stripping your skins surface.

I spent my summer 2023, as an art director intern with Saatchi & Saatchi New York. During my time, I was fortunate to work on a secret brief for a brand new Olay product. My partner and I presented two concept commercial storyboard ideas for Olay Cleansing Melts. Both ideas were young, fresh and innovative to target the younger demographic we were briefed on. The two storyboards made it through multiple rounds with clients, but ultimately were killed some time after our internship ended.

Hero brightens up when a square appears over her face. She then reaches out, grabs the square and pulls it in to reveal that it is an Olay Melts.

Meet Olay Melts...


Hero washes her face.

…and wash.


Hero pats her face dry, and surprised by its softness.

…giving you a deep clean you can feel.

VTC: Wow, so soft!


Hero soaks the Melt under faucet water.

Simply soak,...

Flip to a match cut of hero pulling the Olay Melt from the box.

…the newest square in skincare.

Hero draws a large circle, that once completed, turns into a bubble. 

Other cleansers have big bubbles that only clean the skin’s surface…

Hand draws an outline of a square to reveal a box of Melts.


We zoom in on the bubbles as they  go into pore to clean it.

Melts have micro-bubbles that go deeper to clean, tone, and refresh your skin.

Spa At Your Fingertips | :30

Reset more than your skincare routine, reset your perception of it. With the ability to melt into $100 spa like clean everyday with Olay, washing your face will feel more luxurious than laborious. 

Hero pulls a melt from the box and holds  it on her fingertip.

Introducing Olay Melts,

the new cleanser…

Hero rubs lather into her face.

…and wash…

Spa At Your Fingertips | :15


Camera opens on a woman opening a pack of Olay Melts.

Using NEW Olay Melts…


…for a deeper clean…

Start from square one, for your best skin yet. NEW Olay melts.


Hero rubs the Melt into a creamy lather.


Woman holds up an Olay Melt.

Start from Square One,...

Camera WHOOSHES and zooms into the Melt and we see a tiny, beautiful  spa. 

…that puts the feel of a spa facial right at your fingertips.


Cut to woman drying her face.

 They also tone 

and refresh your skin,... 

The camera WHOOSHES and zooms in on Melt, revealing a spa on the Hero’s fingertip.

…is like having a spa

at your fingertips.

She continues to rub in the lather.

 …for a spa-like clean at home!

The camera zooms out to show the mini spa back on the Melt on our hero’s finger.

…putting that fresh the from spa feeling…


Inside the spa we see the Hero take a Melt and soak it.

Just soak,...

Hero pats her face dry and smiles.

…that also tones and refreshes your skin.  


Hero soaks the square.

Simply soak…

The bubble POPS  and screen in filled with smaller bubbles and text.

…but Melts have micro-bubbles…


Hero rubs lather onto her face.

…and wash.

End on package shot.

…for your best skin yet. NEW Olay Melts. 

Inside the spa we see the Hero take a Melt and soak it.

Simply soak,...

Camera WHOOSHES in again to the later on Hero’s face.

She takes the Melt and holds it up to camera.

…right at your fingertips.


Hero activates the lather.


End on package shot.

NEW Olay Melts.

For your best skin yet.